Colouring pages
freebie Shuxia Tai freebie Shuxia Tai

Colouring pages

Free colouring pages in new download section! Coloured pages and my colouring hobby.

So, I decided to add a new download section to share some fun stuff. Because I am also a fan of DIY crafts, I thought this would be a great platform to upload some of my designs for readers to print and make stuff out of! 

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Shuxia Tai Shuxia Tai


Welcome to my website! How it started and what’s to come.

Hi there! Thank you for dropping by. I will be using this blog page mostly to update happenings on this website and activities that I may be up to that are related to art and illustration. Occasionally, I will write some of my thoughts. 

This website came about because I decided that I would like to be an illustrator. Although I am not a stranger to making art, I was always on its periphery.

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